
New website and wiki skins

Hello everyone!

We've been taking a break recently, but preparation continues towards the next beta phase. Meanwhile, we made an update of the website skin and content, and same for the wiki. It is not completely finished visually, but it's close enough now to use it as main page. We hope you appreciate the effort, and on our side it will allow to communicate more easily and more frequently. The forum will follow later, as it requires significantly more work. Feel free to report any issue you might encounter.

About the game, we made some improvements to the crafting system and weaponry recently, and also deeply reworked Phoenix maps, with some visual changes, a lot of bug fixing and some other important things like containers amounts. We're also currently deploying a new feature there, where adventurers, thugs, merchants or even spore plants can appear randomly in multiple buildings and areas. A good example would be the scavenger, which runs here and there to loot stuff and flies from anyone attacking him. If you manage to kill him, his loot is yours!

We don't yet know when server will be back online, unfortunately. We're advancing with our tasks as we can and we'll try to get more people involved in the project in the near future. Meanwhile, the dev server remains opened for those who'd like to participate into the wiki creation.
